Thanks for helping us
with our name research.

If you are here,
it means that you care about rhinos.
So, we’re glad that you found us! 

And since you are here,
maybe one more thing…

WOULD you LIKE TO help
feed our baby rhino?

your donation WILL feed and protect our baby rhino

Rhinos need you

Caring for rhino calves is an ongoing, and demanding commitment.
It’s what we live for, but with no government funds,
our rhinos need the support of generous people like you. 

Every rhino birth is a miracle. We have seen more than 130 to date and, with no poaching incidents in the last five years, Rockwood is spearheading the effort to not only protect, but bring the Rhino back. 

Sponsor our baby rhino with a monthly donation and get your welcome pack

It will take you less than 3 minutes and thanks to you,
our baby rhino will keep receiving the love and care she need. 

Rockwood T-Shirt

Exclusive content from our baby rhino every month

VIP tickets to the first-ever live Zoom call with a rhino!

why our baby rhinos need you

Our Donation Promise

100% of your donation goes to keeping our rhinos alive.