Rhino Interaction

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” – Mahatma Gandhi


There are two things every single person in the world has in common – the planet we live on and a choice.

We can choose to be seeds – small yet significant and full of potential. Or we can be parasites – self-serving, destructive, harming the very host keeping us alive, the Earth.

We can choose to give more or take more.

To become successful and prosper in life, you can’t base your happiness in the past. You should base your happiness on what you do NOW, what you do today to create your tomorrow.

Be positive, forget perfection, let go of fear, allow yourself to feel enjoyment, stay healthy, stop complaining, forgive, show gratitude – there are many things you can change to feel more fulfilled.

Watch the video to find out how you can Live for a Change.

seeds or parasits


At Rockwood, we’ve realized no matter what you do the best way to get something good out of life, is to give something first.

If you’re not part of something bigger than yourself, you’ll feel removed from society and ultimately become isolated and alone. And you can never underestimate the importance of feeling like you belong.  Research has shown your quality of life; emotionally, physically and mentally is directly proportional to the quality of our relationships.

And that goes for our relationship with Nature too.

Nearly everyone loves spending time outdoors surrounded by trees, mountains, rivers and animals. You might not even know why you get a feeling of inner peace and contentment when you’re outdoors, but you do.

But, Mother Nature has been trying to get our attention. Her signs are growing increasingly loud, forceful, and hard to miss. We still ignore them. The message is inescapable, to survive, humanity has to connect with Nature, care for her and protect her. We have to realize we’re not standing on the outside, trying to preserve the environment from outside forces. We are in Nature, protecting her, is protecting us.


Did you know, the act of giving has the same effect as eating chocolate? Studies have proved we’re hardwired to be generous. Pleasure centres in the brain light up, giving us that “warm, fuzzy” feeling.

Think about it; there’s something gratifying about watching someone unwrap a thoughtful gift or helping someone in some small way. We even get the same level of satisfaction from giving back to the world around us, to strangers.

satisfaction by giving

“The gift of time is often more valuable to the receiver and more satisfying for the giver than the gift of money.”


Give to a cause that you’re passionate about:

Your passion should be the foundation for our giving. It is not how much you give, but how much love you put into providing that makes it a fulfilling life experience.

We at Rockwood, are appealing to all animal lovers, nature lovers, conservationists, anyone who is passionate about the great outdoors and the survival of species, to help us save the rhino from extinction.

Money is not the only solution:

The gift of time is often more valuable to the receiver and more satisfying for the giver than the gift of money. We don’t all have the same amount of money, but we can all give our time

Rockwood is one of the only rhino conservations that allow citizen scientists, volunteers, students and guests to get intimately involved in the protection of the species. 

Donate to organizations with transparent aims & results:

Giving to a cause that specifies what they’re going to do with your money leads to more satisfaction than giving to an umbrella cause where you’re not so sure where your money is going.

Rockwood is unlike most conservation projects, not only do we show exactly where our money goes and asks supporters to sponsor these items, we also invite people to visit and see it for themselves.

Do your research, find your charity tribe:

When choosing which organization to support, learn about its structure and internal culture and find the right fit for you.

At Rockwood, we do things differently. Because we fight at the frontlines, we know the realities of rhino poaching and how to make an impact.

Accept thanks and rewards:

It’s not always easy to accept a compliment or a gift, but gratitude is one of the surest ways to happiness and leading a life of fulfilment.

animal lovers

Not only is working with these majestic creatures a once-in-a-lifetime experience for most, it’s also a life changing experience.

Everyone at Rockwood shares similar stories of their first encounter with rhinos. Being close enough to touch their weathered hide, hear their breathing, feel their presence and realise just how gentle they are, despite their intimidating size. The playful calves touch your heart as much or even more than a cute puppy would.

In the light of what humanity is doing to them, it affects people deeply. An up close encounter with these gentle giants changes something inside of you, for life.

If you or someone you know has a passion for nature, wild animals and want to help save a species from extinction while having an experience like no other, contact us here.
